Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hacky sack!!

Sorry about there not being pictures on some of my posts right now... My iPod won't let me add pictures to this; I have to use the house computer to do that and I don't go on it much... I pigged out today; I consumed about 2490 calories (no, you didn't read that wrong, 2490. Ugh... I feel gross; it was mostly because we went to go see a movie today and I had no idea how many calories anything I got had; I looked it all up and it was about 1230 calories... I'm working it off by playing hacky sack, that burns more calories than you might think, but so far it's been a hour and all I've burned from that is 333 calories, but I've also burned a lot of calories by doing sit ups, jumping rope, playing my guitar and piano, and walking around while at Target... If you're wondering how I know all of this, it's because I have this AMAZING app called MyFitnessPlan that works GREAT!! It counts my calories, counts how many calories I've burned, and logs your weight for the day. They have a bunch of exersizes and when you type in the amount of minutes you were doing that exersize it says how many calories you've burned. It's also free and if you don't have an iPod touch or iPhone, it's online at MyFitnessPlan.com and you won't regret signing up. I know I sound like an infomercial you see at 3 O clock in the morning, but I'm dead serious when I say it's great. I need some friends though so, leave a comment on this post with your username so people can add you and see your progress and stuff! Well, gtg play more hacky sack. Bye!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Exersize daily!!

I need to get myself some batteries for my scale... Or, at least find my measuring tape... It's driving me crazy not knowing if I've made progress and just going off of what I see in the mirror... I ran around and walked a lot today, me and my sister were messing around in the parking lot of the barn we board our horse at. It was pretty fun and a good work out for the day. The bugs ate us alive, though.


I've decided to try and post a picture of some thinspo everyday... That way I can look at the thinspo, look at myself, and the inspired everyday... How easily I can forget my goal and say to hell with it. But, I need to realize that if I keep losing track of where I want to be, I'll never get there, and I'll be fat, alone, ugly, and someone that gets those looks of bad judgment, those looks that silently say "look at that pig, look at it stuffing it's face with food it doesn't need. That slob, can't it quit? It's fat is hanging over and everything; it can't be happy looking like that, can it??" I'll prove those looks wrong by giving them looks of my own. Looks that say "I did it, I reached my goal when everyone said I couldn't do it. I was patient, I waited, I exersized, I did everything I could, I didn't give into the cravings; the comments in my head saying to just give up! That I was never going to accomplish anything, so why try? No, I stayed strong, I ignored even the most hurtful comments. I am a winner."